Item #: fun-01

The matches and wrestlers featured on this poster are —
Over-the-top-rope Battle Royal — $17.50 jackpot prize! To be eliminated, a man must be thrown over the top rope. Entrants: Don Leo Jonathan, Billy & Benny McGuire, Andre the Giant, Dennis Hall, Tiny Frazier, Haystack Calhoun, Man Mountain Mike, Happy Humphrey
Head vs. Head — Loser Must Grow Hair The Angel vs. Skull von Stroheim
Colored Wrestlers Tag Team Match Don Greene, Bearcat Brown and Big Red vs. Jim White, Johnny Gray and Blue Inferno
Amateur Rules Match The Sheik vs. Abdullah the Butcher
Miss Atlanta Lively vs. Donetta Fargo
"I Quit Match" To win, one man must force his opponent to yell, "I quit!" 10-second time limit Lou Thesz vs. Charlie Fulton
Midgets Ladies Tag Team Match Sylvia Thumb & Baby Ann vs. Darling Ethel & Little Cora
Endurance Match — To win, one man must force his opponent to submit 20 times! Danny Hodge vs. Jim Dalton
Heritage Match — The loser will become an Indian If the match goes to a draw, both men become Indians
Joe Scarpa vs. Bob Boyer
Handicap Match — This match will take place in the dressing room! Frankie Cain vs. Roy Shire & Nick Gulas
