Paperback: 228 pages
Dimensions: 8.5 x 11
Publisher: Crowbar Press
Photos: 270 b&w
Cover: Full color
ISBN: 978-0-9844090-7-5
Item #: cbpot01-ct
Price: $24.95

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CHARLES STARRETT, one of the founding members of the Screen Actors Guild, and an heir to the Starrett Tool Company, was known to many as the Durango Kid. As the masked western hero of the silver screen, he appeared in 65 movies for Columbia Pictures.
In addition to the role with which he is most closely identified, Starrett appeared in 67 other western movies for Columbia, most of which were prior to his initial appearance as Durango. He also appeared in films for several other studios early in his acting career.
This lavishly illustrated book covers Charles Starrett in his role as the Durango Kid through a synopsis of each film and an assortment of memorabilia that is sure to please fans of this classic B-western series. Included are more than 270 photographs from the films, copies of film scripts, cast, staff and personnel sheets, comic book covers, magazine articles, newspaper advertisements, and a "Durango" story from the first issue of "Screen Western."
This book is for everyone who remembers spending Saturday mornings and afternoons in the movie palaces of yesteryear, those who are so young they never had the opportunity to enjoy the movie matinees, and those who want to know just what it was that captivated audiences before the days of computers and video games.
Across the Badlands
Bandits of El Dorado
Blazing Across the Pecos
Blazing the Western Trail
Blazing Trail, The
Bonanza Town
Both Barrels Blazing
Buckaroo from Powder River
Challenge of the Range
Cyclone Fury
Desert Horseman, The
Desert Vigilante
Durango KidThe
El Dorado Pass
Fighting Frontiersman, The
Fort Savage Raiders
Frontier Gunlaw
Frontier Outpost
Galloping Thunder
Gunning for Vengeance
Hawk of Wild River, The
Heading West |
Horsemen of the Sierras
Junction City
Kid from Amarillo, The
Kid from Broken Gun, The
Laramie Mountains
Last Days of Boot Hill
Law of the Canyon
Lawless Empire
Lightning Guns
Lone Hand Texan, The
Outcast of Black Mesa
Outlaws of the Rockies
Pecos River
Phantom Valley
Prairie Raiders
Prairie Roundup
Quick on the Trigger
Raiders of Tomahawk Creek
Renegades of the Sage
Return of the Durango Kid, The |
Riders of the Lone Star
Ridin’ the Outlaw Trail
Roaring Rangers
Rough, Tough West The
Rustlers of the Badlands
Six Gun Law
Smoky Canyon
Snake River Desperadoes
South of Death Valley
South of the Chisolm Trail
Stranger from Ponca City, The
Streets of Ghost Town
Terror Trail
Texas Dynamo
Texas Panhandle
Trail of the Rustlers
Trail to Laredo
Two-Fisted Stranger
West of Dodge City
West of Sonora
Whirlwind Raiders |
Filmography of Charles Starrett's Non-Durango Kid Films
Filmography of Durango Kid Films
Durango, The Films
Detailed synopsis for each film, including actors, cast and staff
Durango, A Scrapbook
The VIPs |
Behind the Scenes
Advertising Memorabilia
Comic Book Covers
Magazine Articles
Charles Starrett Newspaper Obituary