BOOK DETAILS Paperback: 120 pagesDimensions: 6x9 Publisher: Crowbar Press Images: 12 b&w Cover: Full color ISBN: 978-1-9403912-5-0 Item #: cbp18-mm Price: $19.95 $16.95

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A Series of Incidents in His Now Famous Career by Fred Anspach, Also Known as Honeyboy Hackenschmidt
Fred Anspach, an amateur wrestler who worked in a supermarket, had a funny customer. The customer was a Greek waiter, five-foot-three and about as broad, egg-headed, a guy who bought apples, bananas and lettuce and lived on this diet. But when Fred made a date with his customer for a little friendly wrestling at the “Y” gym, he learned that, although Milo Popolagos looked fat, he was immensely strong and could wrestle like old Milo of ancient Greece. Maybe he’s the greatest wrestler in the world, Fred thought …
Here’s the story of Milo as told by Fred Anspach with the best literary flourishes a youth with a limited education can think of. What does it matter if the flourishes turn into malaproprisms? Fred gets across, with Ring Lardner-like raciness of speech, the fantastic, humorous and human side of the grunt-and- groan industry.
It’s all here — the weekly club engagements in Baltimore, the “rassle royals” in mud or molasses, and finally, the TV wrestling shows that today are so popular with the ladies. Here too are lady wrestlers, and a strip-tease actress who catches Milo’s eye, and Betty Jane Blane who objects to Fred Anspach’s wrestling but, like a woman, changes her mind.
The Mighty Milo gives an authentic picture of wrestling and answers the question: are wrestling matches on the level? It gives you characters for whom you will develop an affection even while you are smiling at their mastodonic antics. And it gives you that fine expansive feeling that only warm, genial humor can produce — and the author of The Mighty Milo is genial, warm and humorous.
Phillips Rogers is a well-known novelist with a string of book club selections and successes who occasionally uses a pen name. A few years ago, he put forth under the name of Phillips Rogers a novel, Stag Night, that made a hit both in hard-covers and in soft-cover reprint. Under still another name, Phillips Rogers was once a professional wrestler — he still coaches a little — and he knows whereof he writes when he takes you into the dressing-rooms of his gladiators.
