"Classic Wrestling Poster Replicas" is a series of all-new posters created and produced by Scott Teal through Crowbar Press. Each poster features a classic wrestling card from the past. We have re-created posters from the golden age as closely as possible to the originals. For territories which had no posters, or for which we had no examples, we created them as we imagine they would have looked. We also created posters based on the style of the newspaper ads of the time.
These posters are NOT lithographs or mass-produced on cheap paper. Each poster is actually a high-quality, glossy PHOTOGRAPH which comes in three sizes — 8x10, 12x16, and 16x20 inches.
These beautiful posters are sure to become collector's items and more cards will be released in the near future. Our hope is they will help preserve the legacy of professional wrestling's legends and increase interest in the history of professional wrestling.
We can add YOUR NAME in the place of ANY wrestler on the poster for an extra $3. This offer is available for 16x20 posters only.